Home Foundation Inspections
As many of you have been told by your realtors, the foundation is what's important...and they're right!
That's the number one question that we get...How's the foundation?
Here in North Texas, you probably have a slab foundation or a pier and beam foundation. Both have their pros and cons. See drawings below for examples of both.

The pier and beam construction on the left leaves a crawlspace. This is beneficial because the plumbing and other systems can be installed in this crawlspace...and if something breaks, it's much easier for professionals to access. However, the wood in the crawl space is more susceptible to decay and termite infestation. The slab foundation eliminates the worry about wood decay and termites, but if you have a plumbing leak below grade, your options are limited. It's either breaking up the floor or tunneling under the house.
No matter what type of foundation you have or might have in the future, the important question is...Is it stable? and Are they any major defects or deficiencies? Determining this takes quite a bit of practice and should be left up to a licensed home inspector or a structural engineer.
There are multiple factors that contribute to a performance opinion of an individual foundation. Typical foundation concerns that will factor into the performance opinion include:
Overall grading and drainage
Exterior cracks in foundation
Size, location, shape of exterior cracks
Cracks in exterior walls
Binding doors or windows
Interior cracks
Size, location, shape of interior cracks
Floor levelness
Piers and beams
Crawlspace conditions
Sill plates
For a more in depth foundation inspection, we also offer complete foundation elevation surveys. Please see our foundation elevation survey page for more information.